Your First Years - Baby Record Book
Why You'll ♡ Me:
Forget Me Nots Your First Years Baby Record Book is designed to help you keep track of your baby’s development and milestones. With a stylish layout and plenty of room to record details, this baby record book makes it easy to capture the moments that matter. Keep this special record book as a lasting keepsake of your child's first five years.
Your First Years – Forget Me Not's full colour illustrated baby record book to guide you to record the first five years of your baby’s life.
This beautiful baby book is the result of 16 months of designing, writing and collaborating with an incredibly talented illustrator and designer who brought Megan's ideas and vision to life. We hope it inspires you to record every precious moment and memory over the first years of your child’s life.
- 120 page linen hardcover baby book with gold foil cover detailing.
- Gender neutral, suitable for all couples (all illustrations and prompts)
- Perfect baby shower gift for expectant parents
- 32 pages for baby’s arrival, first times, special milestones and memories
- 4 pages per month for each month 1-11 months
- 8 pages per year for each year 1-5 years
- Space for photos and mementos throughout, and at end.
- Full colour illustrated throughout with unique illustrations on every page, and on end pages.
Published in 2022, Your First Years is a baby record and memory book designed for all new parents to use, enjoy, and one day look back on. From baby’s family and friends, arrival and first days, right through to age five, every page is unique, with developmentally appropriate journal prompts and illustrations to inspire parents to write. All memories, celebrations, special moments and milestones are included, together with guided journal pages for months and years.
From Megan:
“I have dreamed of creating this baby book since my son was a newborn, three years ago, and finally started working on it 16 months ago, as I filled in my newborn daughter’s baby journal. I was inspired by my own baby book (published in 1983) with its full colour, beautifully detailed illustrations, but sought to modernise the design and prompts, to create one suitable for all families – being gender neutral, culturally diverse, and inclusive of babies and children with disabilities.