Silverette Nursing Cups
Why You'll ♡ Me:
Sore nipples are very common during breastfeeding and can often be a result of an incorrect latch position between baby and mother. When this happens what had started out as minor skin wear and tear of nipple skin can turn into cracked nipples. Silverette nursing cups provide the prevention, soothing and healing of the nipple(s).The cups have been designed to harness the benefits of Silver by mothers wearing them in between feeds.
Natural healing for painful nipples.
Nipple Wear and Tear:
For relief from painful, sore, sensitive, dry, and cracked nipples resulting from breastfeeding or expressing, Silverette® works best on its own. The cups should not be used simultaneously with over-the-counter creams, oils or lotions to treat these wounds as it will create a barrier between the skin and the 925 silver, reducing its effectiveness.
Nipple Thrush:
Silverette's 925 silver has anti-fungal properties and can be used simultaneously with prescribed treatment that supports the recovery of nipple thrush. If you have any concerns regarding nipple thrush, please consult your medical practitioner.
Silverette's 925 silver has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic agent and can be used simultaneously with treatments that supports the recovery of mastitis. If you have any concerns regarding mastitis, please consult your medical practitioner.
Milk Blebs:
Silverette’s 925 silver has natural anti-inflammatory and can be used to create the environment to promote healing of milk blebs. If you have any concerns regarding milk blebs, please consult your medical practitioner.
We recommend consulting your medical practitioner or lactation consultant in preparation of your lactation journey. We also advise to seek for their advice if you have any concerns regarding the health of your breasts. Silverette® the Original cups is a product designed to support a mother’s lactation journey by creating an environment that promotes the healing of common issues associated with breastfeeding.
How To Use
Silverette's design and purpose is to create an environment to promote the healing of nipple skin. It is most effective when used in between nursing sessions.
The cups are recommended to be worn continuously until breastfeeding is established without any pain or damage.
Silverette can be used pre and postnatal as a preventative measure for sensitive nipples, as well as for nipples that have been damaged from expressing milk.
If you have any concerns or if pain persists, please seek help from a medical practitioner or lactation consultant.
Step 1: Express a couple of drops of breast milk in each cup and place directly over each nipple, secure the cups with the nursing bra.
Step 2: Before breastfeeding, remove the cups and clean the nipples with warm water or a water wipe. Once feeding has completed, rinse the cups with warm water, pat dry and repeat step 1 in-between feeds.
You can use nursing pads over your cups for further protection from leaking. Wear them night and day, in between nursing sessions, until the pain/damage has been resolved.
How To Find The Right Fit
Silverette® come in two sizes - regular and XL.
Silverette® are available in two sizes - Original and XL.
The sizing only affects comfort, not the effectiveness. Regardless of the size, they will work as intended.
How to determine your size
Original size- Suitable for those with a bra size of a C cup or less and an areola size less than 4.5cm
XL size - Suitable for those with a bra size of a C cup or more OR an areola size of 4.5cm or more
Please also consider that pregnancy and milk production will change the size of your breasts and areolas. If your measurements are on the cusp during pregnancy it would be best to size up, as more than likely your breasts and areolas will enlarge when your milk comes in. It is better to have them slightly bigger than slightly smaller.
If in doubt, choose XL - it is the best 'one-size-fits-most'.
The same goes if you are ordering them as a gift. If you don't fancy asking the mama how big her areolas are (we get it), choose XL.
If your measurements indicate that you require a different size, this does not mean that your pair is unsuitable - they will still work! Original Silverettes® (the OG) were all that were available before XL came along and they continue to help thousands of mums.
If you are still stuck on what size to choose (we understand it can be confusing), send us a message and we'll be more than happy to help!